New England Ski Museum
Located at the Base of the Aerial Tramway
The New England ski Museum collects, conserves and exhibits elements of ski history for the purposes of research, education and inspiration. Cannon Mountain is the only ski area in the United States with a ski museum on its property. Founded in 1977; the museum opened in 1982 in a former vehicle maintenance building at the base of the Cannon Mountain Tramway in Franconia Notch State Park.
Permanent Exhibits:
- Chronology of the development of skiing from prehistoric roots to the advent of shaped skis in the 90s
- Local ski history and its national implications
- Cannon Mountain “firsts"
- The career of local Olympic ski racer, Bode Miller
Temporary Exhibits:
- Skiing at Tuckerman Ravine
- The 10th Mountain Division
- American Skiing
- Olympic Skiers of New England
Open daily 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. through the end of the ski season.
Admission: Free